So you don’t want to spend money on an agency. I feel you. It’s not cheap even if the work is quality. So how do you take advantage of the value of organic traffic if you’re not hiring a professional? Here are some straightforward tips to help you win the SEO game. 

  1. Write great content. This seems obvious but you’d be surprised. Great content doesn’t have to be long and novel-like. It needs to be purposeful and useful. If you’re writing SEO content for businesses ask yourself this question: what a query or search term I would like to appear in for my business? Then ask yourself? What’s the best possible content I can deliver for that query? If you can answer and execute on these ideas you’re on the right track.
    Good content isn’t about length or images or any one thing. It’s about understanding what you reader wants and how to get them there. 
  2. Show them value within the article. This is more than just having great content. That’s priority 1. This is about providing value beyond the page. You have your customers here for one time only (hopefully not, but lets be realistic). How do you keep them learning about your product? Educating themselves?
    This is where product offerings, email capture and related links to other helpful pieces of content and provide huge value. The more we make a connection with our customers the more it can benefit SEO. 
  3. Dial In Your Keywords. You can’t be everything to everyone. Deciding that you want to rank for the Top 20 keywords in your niche is great but also a fool’s errand unless you have unlimited time and money. What you’re better off doing is picking 5 keywords that you think will have a transformational impact on your business and trying to create content around those keywords. And when you get done creating one piece of content for each, create another. And another. The more the merrier. 
  4. Stay Educated. SEO changes all the time. Your job should be to stay educated on what’s happening. Most of the time this won’t affect your business but if you’re doing things like publishing guest posts, or working in affiliate content, the news that comes down can have huge impact for your business. 
  5. Don’t Try and Game The System. Want to grow SEO for your business? Don’t think you can black hat your way into it. Scrapping other websites and having an AI write the program is one way. But it’s not THE way. Don’t bother with guest blog posts and don’t bother with buying thousands of links. None of it will matter. SEO takes time and effort. Shortcuts will end up costing you more time and a lot more effort, not to mention a lot of stress. 

If you think we can help you and you want to make the jump to an agency, please let us know.